“Xtool VAG401 is a must tool and real deal for VAG car owners!” “VAG401 just officially nuked VCDS out of the water for me anyway.” Why users said that? This blog will show Xtool VAG401 reviews for your checking.
It is a copy/knockoff of VAS 5051 VW/Audi dealer tool which costs thousands of dollars. So far it appears to be fully functional equivalent with some “quick pick” common functions available from main menu without a need to dive deep into modules.
I paid $55 for XTOOL VAG401 scanner, it works freaking awesome! You need to know what you’re doing though but it is the best thing since sliced bread. (after VCDS but at like 1/5 of its price!) I have VW cars and I have to say it worth its weight in gold for VW owners and DIYers.
I own an Audi allroad 2001, deals with the air suspension. I can do everything to the air suspension with VAG401 that I can with VCDS. And this tool helps me change odometer easily. This tool is the real deal!
I just got mine. Had no clue how to use it properly at first, but I finally figured out and solved 2 lights on the dash, the SRS light and the ABS light. SRS needed to be reset (from when I replaced the steering wheel, and the ABS needed a rear right wheel speed sensor $14 to fix 2 lights.) Totally worth every penny!
It definitely kicks ass for recoding. The first thing I did when I got mine was the windows with remote fob recode. Took me less than a minute! I was also able to enable SDS (voice recognition) in a 2012 A5 Cab using this VAG401 scanner.